The only seen White Whale in the World.
Some amazing facts about Whale
· The Blue Whale is the largest known mammal living in deep seas that has ever lived on the earth, with a length of up to 100ft long and weight of 150 tons.
· Whales are mammals, so they need to come up for air, unlike fish which can breathe underwater.
· There are male and female whales are called bulls and cows. Their young are called calves.
· Whales we see on our whale watches don’t have teeth! Instead, they have baleen, plates that filter out small fish from water. They then swallow their food as a whole.
· Female whales are larger than males.
· Pilot Whales and Killer Whales may have the word “whale” in their name, but for classification purposes, they are actually considered dolphins.
· The sperm whale is the size of four elephants.
· Whale is the mammal which has the most roaring frequency, means when it roars can be heard 850 km away.
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